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Heartburn Remedies : Natural and Home Heartburn Remedies & Treatments

September 22, 2011 by  
Filed under Heartburn Remedies & Treatments

While chewing gum and vinegar are 2 top  heartburn remedies, there are many other proposed acid reflux remedies.

Chewing Gum – The most important thing that chewing gum does is cause the release of saliva.  One of the hallmarks of GERD is reduced saliva production, which is why chewing gum is one of the most powerful home heartburn remedies.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Heartburn –The acetic acid in vinegar is what relieves heartburn, and acetic acid is the primary ingredient in all vinegar. Vinegar is one of the best heartburn remedies, no matter what the type.

Mustard and Acid Reflux – Mustard does work for heartburn simply because it contains vinegar.  It is especially useful if you can include it into your cooking recipies.

Antacids (Calcium Carbonate) – Effective for occasional use and a temporary solution for heartburn. Negative side effects from prolonged or chronic use such as increased suseptability to the formation of kidney stones make antacids something you want to avoid using regularly over the long-term.

Baking Soda –  Adding a small amount (about 1 tsp) of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) into a glass of water helps neutralize stomach acidity. This can give quick relief to heartburn symtoms as the PH of the stomach is increased. This is not beneficial over the long term because the stomach requires an acidic environment for adequate digestion of foods.
Not to be used by people with hypertension because of the sodium.

Ionized Alkaline Water – Alkaline water is water that has been buffered with an alkaline substance such as bicarbonate. Most ionized alkaline waters have a high PH between 9.5 and 10. Alkaline water works much in the way that antacids do and may neutralize stomach acid. The problem is neutralizing stomach acid negatively impacts digestion which may lead to more reflux down the road and other digestive problems.

Milk and Heartburn – Milk acts as a buffer solution and can help neutralize stomach acid. However, there is a downside in that neutralization of stomach acid impedes digestion rather than enhances it. Milk also may increase acid reflux in those who are lactose intolerant or allergic to milk proteins.

Celery and Heartburn – Celery may reduce heartburn simply because it requires a lot of chewing to eat; chewing produces saliva, and saliva is the best heartburn remedy around. One good way to incorporate this natural heartburn remedy into your lifestyle is to eat a few pieces of celery at the end of a large meal.

Bromelain supplements – Bromelain is an enzyme that helps reduce inflammation and aids in the digestion of proteins, which might reduce acid reflux. Pineapple contains high concentrations of  bromelain.

Fennel Seed Oil – Fennel is a flowering herb and a popular supplement for some digestive disorders. While no direct research exists on the use of fennel seed and heartburn, the indirect evidence suggests that this very inexpensive supplement may be a great way to improve digestion and stop acid reflux.
Fennel seed supplements may not be appropriate for you if you take any other prescription medication (particularly birth control or other hormonal medications), have a history of seizures, or have plant allergies.

Iodine Supplements – Iodine is essential for thyroid function. There is a link between hypothyroidism and acid reflux, and many people in western nations do not get enough iodine in their diets. If you are not taking medication for hypothroidism and you are not under any salt intake restrictions, consider adding iodized salt to your diet or adding more iodine rich foods such as seaweed or kelp. This may improve your heartburn over time.

Bed Wedge Pillows – Bed wedge pillows are pillows specially designed to reduce acid reflux when sleeping. Make sure the pillow is wedge-shaped and actually puts your torso on an incline; a pillow that only elevates your neck is not going to work.
An alternative to the pillows is to raise the head of your bed by about 4 to 6 inches. You can also purchase inexpensive bed post lifts to elevate the end of the bed where your head rests.

Simple Fix for Heartburn in the Morning – For those people who tend to have an upset stomach and heartburn upon waking and for the early morning hours, having a protein shake (whey protein) in the morning (with nothing else) first thing after waking is a great way to help reduce acid reflux.  Mix up a high-quality protein powder with as little as water as necessary (4 to 5 ounces), and only drink water or coffee in the morning after your reflux has subsided.

It is recommended that you speak to your doctor about your acid reflux if you experience heartburn two times a week or more rather than trying to rely on self treatment.

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