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Top Five Causes of Heartburn

June 15, 2011 by  
Filed under Heartburn Causes & Symptoms

If you are a heartburn sufferer, then you may ask yourself this question on a daily basis. We know that the uncomfortable feeling, caused by heartburn can really wear on you and even cause some serious stomach problems if this is not cared for properly. Don’t let yourself go on suffering, read the rest of this article and get to the bottom of it right now!

To begin to understand what heartburn is caused by, you must first understand what the lower esophageal sphincter is. The LES is a muscle in between your stomach and your esophagus. This muscle is what keeps liquid and solid mass in your stomach and holds your food “down” in effect. There are certain things that cause this muscle to either relax or simply not be able to function correctly. This LES working improperly is usually what causes heartburn to occur for most people.

Top Causes of Heartburn

1. Caffeine and Chocolate – Any drink that has caffeine in it like soda, coffee, tea and others all can lead to heartburn because, caffeine can lead to the relaxation of the LES.

2. Fatty and Greasy Foods – Foods that are fatty and greasy are also a huge contributor to heartburn for many. Foods like this actually slow down digestion and cause food to stay in the stomach for longer periods of time. In many cases this will lead to excess pressure on the LES and this can cause long-term damage as well as short-term discomfort.

3. Alcohol and Tobacco – Yes, we all know these are not good for us in the first place, but both of these substances contain chemicals that lead to the relaxation of the LES. This is among some of the least damaging factors of these drugs, but they are contributing factors to many heartburn sufferer.

4. Citrus Fruits, Juices and Tomatoes – Any fruit or vegetable that is high in acid can cause heartburn problems, but in most cases it is not the acid that actually makes the burning sensation, it the effect they have on the LES. Again, relaxing the lower esophageal sphincter, these types of foods and drinks allow for your own stomach acids to move upward into your esophagus, thus causing discomfort.

5. Tight Clothes – It does sound a little silly, but true all the same. If you wear really tight fitting clothing around your waistline and stomach area, this may lead to heartburn. In effect, by squeezing your bodies mid-section, you may be putting pressure on the LES and actually forcing this muscle open and stomach acid upward.

Now that you know a little bit more about what actually can lead to heartburn, you may be well on your way to finding a permanent fix to your problem. However, if you do not find the relief you are looking for by making some of the above suggested changes, finding out how to stop heartburn naturally may be the next best solution for you. You can’t always change the way you eat, sleep and dress, but if you had a natural remedy that would cure heartburn, this may be what you are really looking for!

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Foods That Cause Heartburn

June 15, 2011 by  
Filed under Heartburn Causes & Symptoms

Tomatoes and citrus fruits are foods that cause heartburn in some people. These highly acidic foods can lead to excess stomach acid and may cause heartburn. The causes of heartburn vary from individual to individual. Some people are not bothered by tomatoes or oranges, but may be bothered by fried or spicy foods. It is sometimes necessary to keep a food diary to isolate the foods that cause heartburn in your own diet. You may notice that you only experience heartburn after eating Mexican or Italian foods.

If you cannot identify specific foods that cause heartburn in your case, it could be the size of the meal that you tend to eat. Overeating is one of the causes of heartburn. When the stomach is overly full, the stomach acid has more of a tendency to leak up into the lower esophagus or throat and cause the burning sensation. Many people experience heartburn after a big holiday dinner.

If you typically eat small meals and avoiding the foods that cause heartburn does not help, look at the beverages that you choose to drink. Coffee and carbonated beverages are causes of heartburn in some people. Alcoholic beverages and citrus drink are causes of heartburn in some people. Chocolate is one of the foods that cause heartburn in some people and drinking a chocolate flavored drink can also lead to heartburn.

If it is not what or how much you eat or drink, it could be the clothes that you wear. Believe it or not, wearing tight clothing is one of the causes of heartburn. Anything that puts pressure on the stomach can cause heartburn, whether it is the excess weight of an obese person, the enlarging abdomen of a pregnant woman or pants that fit too tightly.

If you have looked at the foods that cause heartburn, the beverages that cause heartburn, you eat small meals and wear loose clothing, but still experience heartburn, there are a couple of other things that may be causes of heartburn. Stress or eating quickly in a high-paced environment can lead to heartburn. Smoking can lead to heartburn. And, there are other more serious medical conditions that are causes of heartburn, particularly heartburn that is experienced frequently. Hiatal hernia is one example of a medical condition that often presents with frequent heartburn. If you experience heartburn once or more per week, you should have your symptoms evaluated by your physician to rule out the presence of another health problem.

It may not be necessary to remove all of the foods that cause heartburn from your diet. It may simply be a matter of eating less of them or eating them less often. If you like spicy foods, you may be willing to deal with the symptoms of heartburn in order to keep eating the foods that you like. There are many over the counter and herbal remedies that provide relief for those who occasionally suffer from heartburn. Occasional heartburn is not serious, but frequent heartburn can eventually erode the lining of the esophagus. The frequency and causes of heartburn vary from individual to individual and can only truly be evaluated by you and your doctor.

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The Common Causes of Heartburn

June 10, 2011 by  
Filed under Heartburn Causes & Symptoms

If you experienced a bad case of heartburn before then you know how painful and uncomfortable this condition can be. In fact, it can be so painful that you may not be able to do any of your activities.

You have to know that there are several causes of heartburn. By knowing about the common causes of heartburn, you will be able to have an idea on how you can prevent it from happening to you or at least reduce its occurrence.

First of all, you need to know that heartburn, despite its name, is in no way related to any heart condition. Heartburn is primarily a digestive condition where stomach acid comes in contact with the esophagus. When this happens, the acid will irritate the esophagus, causing you to feel a burning sensation that starts on your diaphragm and makes its way up to your chest. It is also accompanied by a bitter or sour taste in your mouth, which is basically the stomach acid your body regurgitated. This is what you will feel when you experience heartburn.

In most cases, heartburn occurs a few hours after eating. The pain can last for many hours and this condition will make you feel as if food is stuck on your chest or your throat. If not treated, heartburn can result to a more serious condition, such as scarring of the esophagus and on rare cases, it can even cause cancer of the esophagus.

So, what causes you to experience heartburn?

Primarily, diet is the main culprit for experiencing heartburn. Certain foods are notorious for causing heartburn. Included are fatty and fried food, garlic, mint, tomatoes, and chocolate. Spicy food is also notorious for causing heartburn.

There are also beverages that you must avoid. Acidic beverages, such as orange juice and sodas as well as alcohol and coffee are known to cause heartburn. You really don’t have to give up drinking these things but you have to limit it or control it. You should also drink more water in order to neutralize stomach acid.

You also need to remember that some exercise routines can cause heartburn. Some exercises can reverse the flow of digestion, which will force stomach acid back in to the esophagus, which will cause heartburn.

These exercises include somersaults, forward rolls and other exercises that require you to be upside down.

If you experience heartburn during nighttime or when you are about to go to sleep, the most likely culprit would be your bed. Elevate your body position when you sleep with pillows in order to make gravity work for you by keeping stomach acid inside the stomach.

These are the common causes of heartburn. As you can see, there are ways on how you can prevent heartburn from happening or at least manage it effectively. It’s just a matter of making small lifestyle modifications, such as changing your diet and exercise routines.

Keep these things in mind and you can be sure that you will be able to prevent or at least reduce the frequency of heartburn.

The Causes of Heartburn and Why You Should Take It Seriously

June 10, 2011 by  
Filed under Heartburn Causes & Symptoms

Have you ever experienced feeling a burning sensation that starts in your upper abdomen and builds up just behind your breastbone and that the pain and burning sensation is often accompanied by a sour taste in your mouth? If you have, then you are suffering from a condition called heartburn.

Although most people do experience heartburn once in a while, you have to remember that this condition is something that you shouldn’t take lightly, especially if you have a chronic case of this condition.

Chronic heartburn is when you experience this condition every single day or almost every day. If this is the case, then you may want to go to your doctor and have it checked. Leaving chronic heartburn untreated can lead to more severe complications that will significantly have a negative effect on your life.

So, what causes heartburn and why should you take it seriously?

For starters, heartburn happens when the stomach acid refluxes or backs up in to the esophagus. This can happen because of several reasons.

The first reason is that the lower esophageal sphincter or LES is weakened or relaxed and doesn’t do its job properly. Basically, the LES is the valve that keeps the stomach acid in the stomach. If it doesn’t work properly, it will allow the stomach acid to come in contact with the esophagus, which in turn causes heartburn. This is a common symptom of GERD or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease.

Another cause is by eating certain foods, such as fried and fatty foods, chocolates, coffee, peppermint, sugars, and alcohol. These foods weaken or relax the LES.

Eating large meals shortly before bedtime can also cause heartburn. When you eat large meals, the production of stomach acid increases and when you lie down immediately after eating a large meal to go to bed, your body is in the perfect position for the stomach acid to reflux or come in contact with the esophagus.

Hiatal hernia is another cause of heartburn. This condition is a result of a weakening of the tissues that supports the digestive tract. This condition occurs when a part of the upper stomach slips up through the hiatus and in to the chest. Depending on the size and position of the hernia, this can cause heartburn and even chest pain.

Smoking can also cause heartburn. This is because the nicotine inside cigars and cigarettes weaken the LES. And, as you may already know, if the LES is weakened, it may not function properly and will let the stomach acid flow in to the esophagus, which will ultimately cause heartburn.

Stress is another known cause of heartburn. It has been found that stress can increase the acid production in the stomach and slows down the emptying of the stomach, causing heartburn.

These are the causes of heartburn. Mild cases of heartburn are more of a nuisance rather than a condition. But, if you have a severe case of heartburn, you may want to get it checked and treated by a doctor immediately. This is because chronic cases of heartburn can cause severe complications. It can cause scarring of the esophagus, which can make it difficult for you to swallow food and even liquids. Leaving it untreated can also lead to a condition called Barrett’s esophagus. This condition is where cells similar to the lining of the stomach start to develop in the lower esophagus. This condition can increase your risk of developing cancer of the esophagus, which is very hard to detect and very hard to treat.

These are the causes of heartburn. As you can see, heartburn should be taken seriously especially if have a chronic case or when you experience it almost every day. Get heartburn treated and you can be sure that you will be able to continue living a normal life.

Heartburn: The Symptoms You Should Watch Out For

June 10, 2011 by  
Filed under Heartburn Causes & Symptoms

Heartburn is a condition where you will feel an uncomfortable burning sensation in your chest. And, you have to remember that although the pain caused by heartburn is felt in the chest, this condition is in no way related to the heart or any heart related diseases.

Basically, heartburn is a digestive condition where stomach acid refluxes and comes in contact with the esophagus.

A lot of people experiences heartburn for at least once every month. However, if you continue experiencing heartburn every day, then you are suffering from a chronic or severe type of heartburn, which can prevent you from living a normal life.

Chronic heartburn is also a sign or symptom of a more serious condition called GERD or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease.

Frequent heartburn will prevent you from living normally. It will limit your daily activities and it can also lead to further complications, such as ulcers in your esophagus and Barrett’s esophagus.

You need to understand heartburn in order for you to treat it properly.

Today, around 30 percent of the adult population in the country experiences occasional heartburn. Around 10 to 15 percent of the adult population experiences the condition every day.

So, what are the symptoms of heartburn that you should watch out for?

Well, you basically need to watch out for that burning feeling in the chest. The sensation may also spread up in to the throat, jaw, and even on the back. Because of the location where pain is felt, heartburn is often mistaken for chest pain caused by heart attack. However, you need to remember that you should never try and second guess yourself when you feel chest pain for any reason.

It’s also easy to mistake a heart attack with heartburn, which is why you have to seek medical attention immediately after feeling any type of chest pain. Never rule out heart attack as a cause of chest pain even if you frequently experience heartburn.

In most cases, heartburn will occur 30 to 60 minutes after meals. The pain will worsen if you lie down or when you bend forward. The pain will also get worse if you strain to pass stools. The best thing that you can do is to stand upright, swallow saliva or water, and take antacids.

If the stomach acid travels beyond the esophagus and makes its way in to your mouth, you will experience a bitter or sour taste. This is called regurgitation and is common after eating meals especially when you lie down, bend over or strain.

You need to keep in mind that frequent heartburn means exposing your esophagus to stomach acid for long periods of time. Your esophagus may get damaged and this may lead to difficulty in swallowing. In more serious cases, you may even lose weight and become frequently dehydrated.

In rare cases, you may vomit blood or have small amounts of blood in your stool. However, these are uncommon but you still have to be on the lookout for the signs and symptoms.

These are basically the symptoms that you have to watch out for. Heartburn is not really that serious if you only experience it once a month. But, if you experience it every day, it may be time for you to seek medical help.