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Heartburn Remedies : Natural and Home Heartburn Remedies & Treatments

September 22, 2011 by  
Filed under Heartburn Remedies & Treatments

While chewing gum and vinegar are 2 top  heartburn remedies, there are many other proposed acid reflux remedies.

Chewing Gum – The most important thing that chewing gum does is cause the release of saliva.  One of the hallmarks of GERD is reduced saliva production, which is why chewing gum is one of the most powerful home heartburn remedies.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Heartburn –The acetic acid in vinegar is what relieves heartburn, and acetic acid is the primary ingredient in all vinegar. Vinegar is one of the best heartburn remedies, no matter what the type.

Mustard and Acid Reflux – Mustard does work for heartburn simply because it contains vinegar.  It is especially useful if you can include it into your cooking recipies.

Antacids (Calcium Carbonate) – Effective for occasional use and a temporary solution for heartburn. Negative side effects from prolonged or chronic use such as increased suseptability to the formation of kidney stones make antacids something you want to avoid using regularly over the long-term.

Baking Soda –  Adding a small amount (about 1 tsp) of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) into a glass of water helps neutralize stomach acidity. This can give quick relief to heartburn symtoms as the PH of the stomach is increased. This is not beneficial over the long term because the stomach requires an acidic environment for adequate digestion of foods.
Not to be used by people with hypertension because of the sodium.

Ionized Alkaline Water – Alkaline water is water that has been buffered with an alkaline substance such as bicarbonate. Most ionized alkaline waters have a high PH between 9.5 and 10. Alkaline water works much in the way that antacids do and may neutralize stomach acid. The problem is neutralizing stomach acid negatively impacts digestion which may lead to more reflux down the road and other digestive problems.

Milk and Heartburn – Milk acts as a buffer solution and can help neutralize stomach acid. However, there is a downside in that neutralization of stomach acid impedes digestion rather than enhances it. Milk also may increase acid reflux in those who are lactose intolerant or allergic to milk proteins.

Celery and Heartburn – Celery may reduce heartburn simply because it requires a lot of chewing to eat; chewing produces saliva, and saliva is the best heartburn remedy around. One good way to incorporate this natural heartburn remedy into your lifestyle is to eat a few pieces of celery at the end of a large meal.

Bromelain supplements – Bromelain is an enzyme that helps reduce inflammation and aids in the digestion of proteins, which might reduce acid reflux. Pineapple contains high concentrations of  bromelain.

Fennel Seed Oil – Fennel is a flowering herb and a popular supplement for some digestive disorders. While no direct research exists on the use of fennel seed and heartburn, the indirect evidence suggests that this very inexpensive supplement may be a great way to improve digestion and stop acid reflux.
Fennel seed supplements may not be appropriate for you if you take any other prescription medication (particularly birth control or other hormonal medications), have a history of seizures, or have plant allergies.

Iodine Supplements – Iodine is essential for thyroid function. There is a link between hypothyroidism and acid reflux, and many people in western nations do not get enough iodine in their diets. If you are not taking medication for hypothroidism and you are not under any salt intake restrictions, consider adding iodized salt to your diet or adding more iodine rich foods such as seaweed or kelp. This may improve your heartburn over time.

Bed Wedge Pillows – Bed wedge pillows are pillows specially designed to reduce acid reflux when sleeping. Make sure the pillow is wedge-shaped and actually puts your torso on an incline; a pillow that only elevates your neck is not going to work.
An alternative to the pillows is to raise the head of your bed by about 4 to 6 inches. You can also purchase inexpensive bed post lifts to elevate the end of the bed where your head rests.

Simple Fix for Heartburn in the Morning – For those people who tend to have an upset stomach and heartburn upon waking and for the early morning hours, having a protein shake (whey protein) in the morning (with nothing else) first thing after waking is a great way to help reduce acid reflux.  Mix up a high-quality protein powder with as little as water as necessary (4 to 5 ounces), and only drink water or coffee in the morning after your reflux has subsided.

It is recommended that you speak to your doctor about your acid reflux if you experience heartburn two times a week or more rather than trying to rely on self treatment.

Top Five Causes of Heartburn

June 15, 2011 by  
Filed under Heartburn Causes & Symptoms

If you are a heartburn sufferer, then you may ask yourself this question on a daily basis. We know that the uncomfortable feeling, caused by heartburn can really wear on you and even cause some serious stomach problems if this is not cared for properly. Don’t let yourself go on suffering, read the rest of this article and get to the bottom of it right now!

To begin to understand what heartburn is caused by, you must first understand what the lower esophageal sphincter is. The LES is a muscle in between your stomach and your esophagus. This muscle is what keeps liquid and solid mass in your stomach and holds your food “down” in effect. There are certain things that cause this muscle to either relax or simply not be able to function correctly. This LES working improperly is usually what causes heartburn to occur for most people.

Top Causes of Heartburn

1. Caffeine and Chocolate – Any drink that has caffeine in it like soda, coffee, tea and others all can lead to heartburn because, caffeine can lead to the relaxation of the LES.

2. Fatty and Greasy Foods – Foods that are fatty and greasy are also a huge contributor to heartburn for many. Foods like this actually slow down digestion and cause food to stay in the stomach for longer periods of time. In many cases this will lead to excess pressure on the LES and this can cause long-term damage as well as short-term discomfort.

3. Alcohol and Tobacco – Yes, we all know these are not good for us in the first place, but both of these substances contain chemicals that lead to the relaxation of the LES. This is among some of the least damaging factors of these drugs, but they are contributing factors to many heartburn sufferer.

4. Citrus Fruits, Juices and Tomatoes – Any fruit or vegetable that is high in acid can cause heartburn problems, but in most cases it is not the acid that actually makes the burning sensation, it the effect they have on the LES. Again, relaxing the lower esophageal sphincter, these types of foods and drinks allow for your own stomach acids to move upward into your esophagus, thus causing discomfort.

5. Tight Clothes – It does sound a little silly, but true all the same. If you wear really tight fitting clothing around your waistline and stomach area, this may lead to heartburn. In effect, by squeezing your bodies mid-section, you may be putting pressure on the LES and actually forcing this muscle open and stomach acid upward.

Now that you know a little bit more about what actually can lead to heartburn, you may be well on your way to finding a permanent fix to your problem. However, if you do not find the relief you are looking for by making some of the above suggested changes, finding out how to stop heartburn naturally may be the next best solution for you. You can’t always change the way you eat, sleep and dress, but if you had a natural remedy that would cure heartburn, this may be what you are really looking for!

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Foods That Cause Heartburn

June 15, 2011 by  
Filed under Heartburn Causes & Symptoms

Tomatoes and citrus fruits are foods that cause heartburn in some people. These highly acidic foods can lead to excess stomach acid and may cause heartburn. The causes of heartburn vary from individual to individual. Some people are not bothered by tomatoes or oranges, but may be bothered by fried or spicy foods. It is sometimes necessary to keep a food diary to isolate the foods that cause heartburn in your own diet. You may notice that you only experience heartburn after eating Mexican or Italian foods.

If you cannot identify specific foods that cause heartburn in your case, it could be the size of the meal that you tend to eat. Overeating is one of the causes of heartburn. When the stomach is overly full, the stomach acid has more of a tendency to leak up into the lower esophagus or throat and cause the burning sensation. Many people experience heartburn after a big holiday dinner.

If you typically eat small meals and avoiding the foods that cause heartburn does not help, look at the beverages that you choose to drink. Coffee and carbonated beverages are causes of heartburn in some people. Alcoholic beverages and citrus drink are causes of heartburn in some people. Chocolate is one of the foods that cause heartburn in some people and drinking a chocolate flavored drink can also lead to heartburn.

If it is not what or how much you eat or drink, it could be the clothes that you wear. Believe it or not, wearing tight clothing is one of the causes of heartburn. Anything that puts pressure on the stomach can cause heartburn, whether it is the excess weight of an obese person, the enlarging abdomen of a pregnant woman or pants that fit too tightly.

If you have looked at the foods that cause heartburn, the beverages that cause heartburn, you eat small meals and wear loose clothing, but still experience heartburn, there are a couple of other things that may be causes of heartburn. Stress or eating quickly in a high-paced environment can lead to heartburn. Smoking can lead to heartburn. And, there are other more serious medical conditions that are causes of heartburn, particularly heartburn that is experienced frequently. Hiatal hernia is one example of a medical condition that often presents with frequent heartburn. If you experience heartburn once or more per week, you should have your symptoms evaluated by your physician to rule out the presence of another health problem.

It may not be necessary to remove all of the foods that cause heartburn from your diet. It may simply be a matter of eating less of them or eating them less often. If you like spicy foods, you may be willing to deal with the symptoms of heartburn in order to keep eating the foods that you like. There are many over the counter and herbal remedies that provide relief for those who occasionally suffer from heartburn. Occasional heartburn is not serious, but frequent heartburn can eventually erode the lining of the esophagus. The frequency and causes of heartburn vary from individual to individual and can only truly be evaluated by you and your doctor.

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Heartburn: What Is It and Should You Be Worried?

June 11, 2011 by  
Filed under Heartburn Articles & Advice

Today, 5 to 15 percent of the adult population experiences severe cases of heartburn. Home remedies will only provide temporary or partial relief and chronic heartburn should be taken seriously as this can really have a negative effect on your life.

So, just what is heartburn and why should you be worried if you experience this condition?

For starters, you have to remember that heartburn has nothing to do with the heart as the name of the condition may suggest. Basically, heartburn is a digestive problem that occurs when the acids inside the stomach comes in contact with the lining of the esophagus. This causes irritation and this will in turn cause heartburn.

Heartburn can happen suddenly and without warning. Usually, this happens after a big meal before bedtime. You will experience a burning sensation that will begin in the upper abdomen and builds up behind the breastbone and makes your chest feels like burning.

The burning sensation and the pain may even travel from your diaphragm to your throat, which may be accompanied by a bitter and sour taste. It can even feel like as if food is reentering your mouth.

If you experience heartburn almost every single day, then you have a chronic case of heartburn. Mild cases of heartburn will mean that you experience this condition once a month.

Mild cases may be treated with simple home remedies, such as changing your diet, over the counter antacids and even by losing weight or by avoiding wearing tight clothes. On the other hand, severe cases of heartburn will require a more comprehensive treatment as home remedies will only provide temporary or partial relief.

If you have a severe case of heartburn, then you have every right to be worried. This may be a sign that you have a condition called Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease or GERD. If you leave it untreated, it can lead to severe complications, such as scarring of the esophagus. This will make it difficult for you to swallow food and even liquids.

Severe heartburn can also lead to Barrett’s esophagus. This condition is where cells similar to that of your stomach lining will develop in your lower esophagus. This condition will increase your risk of developing cancer in the esophagus.

There are several ways on how you can manage heartburn. For starters, you have to make a few lifestyles and diet changes. This will include eating frequent smaller meals instead of just three large meals a day. This will help in decreasing the production of stomach acids.

Eating slowly can also help manage heartburn. Also, you have to avoid going to bed on a full stomach. Stay up at least 3 hours after eating your last meal before you go to bed. This will give the acids a chance to decrease before your body is in a position where heartburn will likely occur, which is lying down.

If you are a smoker, then you should quit smoking as the nicotine content in cigars and cigarettes can weaken the lower esophageal sphincter, which is basically the muscle the controls the opening between the esophagus and the stomach.

These are some of the ways on how you can manage heartburn.

Having a severe case of heartburn will lead to much worse complications. So, you have to learn how to manage heartburn and you should also visit your doctor in order for you to know exactly what to do to decrease the frequency of heartburn as well as get medications in treating heartburn.

Ways to Prevent Nighttime Heartburn and Acid Reflux

June 10, 2011 by  
Filed under Heartburn Remedies & Treatments

If you experienced heartburn before, then you know that it is unpleasant, painful and in most cases, distressing. You have to know that millions of people from different parts of the world suffer from heartburn and it is also a very old condition that humans suffer from.

If you suffer from heartburn on a regular basis, you may need to treat it in order to prevent heartburn attacks or at least lessen its frequency.

Although mild heartburn is more of a nuisance than a real condition, chronic or severe heartburn can be something much more serious. Chronic heartburn will not only prevent you from living a normal life, but it can also be very dangerous to your overall health.

You need to remember that when acid reflux or heartburn occurs, your esophagus will get damaged. Occasional or mild cases of heartburn will let the lining in your esophagus to recover and no long term damage will be done. But, if you experience heartburn on a regular basis, you may need to take this more seriously as repeated heartburn attacks will prevent your esophagus lining from recovering and cause serious damage to it.

In extreme cases, it may lead to the scarring of the esophagus. You may also develop Barrett’s esophagus, where you will be at risk of getting esophageal cancer. This is mainly the reason why you may want to prevent heartburn especially during nighttime when you are going to bed.

People are more prone to experience heartburn during the night when they lie down. This is because when we lie down, it’s easier for the acid to reach our esophagus because gravity will no longer be of any help when we are lying down.

And, when we lie down, there will be a much more prolonged contact between the esophagus and the acid, which can easily lead to the deterioration of the esophagus lining, which will cause a more serious complication as mentioned earlier.

So, here are some of the ways on how you can prevent heartburn from happening during nighttime.

The first is to avoid eating large meals during dinner. You have to remember that big meals mean that the stomach has to work harder to digest the food you eat. This will also mean that the stomach will take a lot longer to digest what you eat and it has to produce more acid to digest the food. This is what you don’t want to happen when you are already lying down your bed getting ready to go to sleep.

You should also avoid going to bed on a full stomach. You need to allow your stomach at least 3 hours before you turn in.

As much as possible, you have to avoid lying down after eating dinner.

You should also avoid drinking alcohol late at night as this increases alcohol production in your stomach and it also relaxes your LES or lower esophageal sphincter. The LES is responsible for keeping stomach acid inside your stomach and if it relaxes, it will open up and allow acid to come in contact with your esophagus.

Lastly, you may want to have a supply of antacids ready in case you experience heartburn during the night. Drinking plenty of water can also help neutralize the acid in your stomach.

These are the ways on how you can prevent nighttime heartburn. Remember these tips and you can be sure that you will reduce the occurrence of nighttime heartburn and avoid letting heartburn take control of your life.

Understanding Heartburn to Treat It Properly

June 10, 2011 by  
Filed under Heartburn Articles & Advice

After enjoying a big meal, you sat down in front of your LCD TV watching a football game to relax. Then suddenly, you feel something happen inside your body. You suddenly felt a burning sensation that begins in the upper abdomen and makes its way behind the breastbone. Your chest feels like it’s on fire and the pain is radiating from your diaphragm to your throat.

The pain is accompanied by a bitter or sour taste and you feel as if food is reentering your mouth.

What you just experienced is a severe case of heartburn.

Although the name suggests that it may be related to the heart, you have to remember that heartburn has nothing to do with the heart. This is in fact a digestive problem where the stomach acid comes in to contact with the lining of the esophagus, which causes irritation.

A lot of people suffer from an occasional heartburn. Usually, we experience it right after a meal. However, you have to remember that there is such a thing as a chronic heartburn and this may have a negative effect on your life.

So, how can you tell if you are already suffering from a chronic heartburn?

Well, if you experience heartburn once a month, this is considered to be acute or mild. If you experience heartburn once a week, this is a moderate case of heartburn. But, when you experience heartburn in an everyday basis, this is what is considered as a chronic or severe case of heartburn.

For people who experiences mild cases of heartburn, this can be easily be managed with a change in diet. Over the counter antacids may also help as well as losing weight. People who suffer from moderate cases of heartburn can use these methods to find relief from heartburn. However, the mentioned remedies will only give partial or temporary relief to people suffering from severe or chronic heartburn.

The main cause of heartburn is when the stomach acid backs up or refluxes to the esophagus. This can happen for several reasons.

The first is when the lower esophageal sphincter or LES is weakened or relaxed and doesn’t do its job properly. The LES is what keeps the stomach acid in the stomach. Basically, this is the most common symptom for GERD or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease.

Sugars, fatty foods, peppermint, coffee, chocolate, and alcohol can weaken or relax the LES, which can let stomach acid reflux to the esophagus, causing heartburn.

Eating large meals before bedtime can also cause heartburn. Obesity, frequent bending over, lifting, and wearing very tight clothes can produce pressure on the stomach, which in turn causes heartburn.

Smoking and certain medications can also trigger heartburn as well as stress as this is known to increase acid production and slows down the emptying of the stomach.

Mild heartburn may be considered to be more of a nuisance than a condition. But, if you are suffering from chronic heartburn, you have to remember that this is a serious condition, which can cause scarring of the esophagus. When this happens, it may be very hard or even painful for you to swallow food. This can also increase the likelihood of developing cancer of the esophagus.

These are the reasons why you should understand heartburn. By knowing about it, you will be able to treat it effectively. A change in diet is enough to treat mild heartburn but if you are experiencing severe heartburn on a daily basis, you may want to set up an appointment with your doctor to diagnose your condition.

The Common Causes of Heartburn

June 10, 2011 by  
Filed under Heartburn Causes & Symptoms

If you experienced a bad case of heartburn before then you know how painful and uncomfortable this condition can be. In fact, it can be so painful that you may not be able to do any of your activities.

You have to know that there are several causes of heartburn. By knowing about the common causes of heartburn, you will be able to have an idea on how you can prevent it from happening to you or at least reduce its occurrence.

First of all, you need to know that heartburn, despite its name, is in no way related to any heart condition. Heartburn is primarily a digestive condition where stomach acid comes in contact with the esophagus. When this happens, the acid will irritate the esophagus, causing you to feel a burning sensation that starts on your diaphragm and makes its way up to your chest. It is also accompanied by a bitter or sour taste in your mouth, which is basically the stomach acid your body regurgitated. This is what you will feel when you experience heartburn.

In most cases, heartburn occurs a few hours after eating. The pain can last for many hours and this condition will make you feel as if food is stuck on your chest or your throat. If not treated, heartburn can result to a more serious condition, such as scarring of the esophagus and on rare cases, it can even cause cancer of the esophagus.

So, what causes you to experience heartburn?

Primarily, diet is the main culprit for experiencing heartburn. Certain foods are notorious for causing heartburn. Included are fatty and fried food, garlic, mint, tomatoes, and chocolate. Spicy food is also notorious for causing heartburn.

There are also beverages that you must avoid. Acidic beverages, such as orange juice and sodas as well as alcohol and coffee are known to cause heartburn. You really don’t have to give up drinking these things but you have to limit it or control it. You should also drink more water in order to neutralize stomach acid.

You also need to remember that some exercise routines can cause heartburn. Some exercises can reverse the flow of digestion, which will force stomach acid back in to the esophagus, which will cause heartburn.

These exercises include somersaults, forward rolls and other exercises that require you to be upside down.

If you experience heartburn during nighttime or when you are about to go to sleep, the most likely culprit would be your bed. Elevate your body position when you sleep with pillows in order to make gravity work for you by keeping stomach acid inside the stomach.

These are the common causes of heartburn. As you can see, there are ways on how you can prevent heartburn from happening or at least manage it effectively. It’s just a matter of making small lifestyle modifications, such as changing your diet and exercise routines.

Keep these things in mind and you can be sure that you will be able to prevent or at least reduce the frequency of heartburn.

The Causes of Heartburn and Why You Should Take It Seriously

June 10, 2011 by  
Filed under Heartburn Causes & Symptoms

Have you ever experienced feeling a burning sensation that starts in your upper abdomen and builds up just behind your breastbone and that the pain and burning sensation is often accompanied by a sour taste in your mouth? If you have, then you are suffering from a condition called heartburn.

Although most people do experience heartburn once in a while, you have to remember that this condition is something that you shouldn’t take lightly, especially if you have a chronic case of this condition.

Chronic heartburn is when you experience this condition every single day or almost every day. If this is the case, then you may want to go to your doctor and have it checked. Leaving chronic heartburn untreated can lead to more severe complications that will significantly have a negative effect on your life.

So, what causes heartburn and why should you take it seriously?

For starters, heartburn happens when the stomach acid refluxes or backs up in to the esophagus. This can happen because of several reasons.

The first reason is that the lower esophageal sphincter or LES is weakened or relaxed and doesn’t do its job properly. Basically, the LES is the valve that keeps the stomach acid in the stomach. If it doesn’t work properly, it will allow the stomach acid to come in contact with the esophagus, which in turn causes heartburn. This is a common symptom of GERD or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease.

Another cause is by eating certain foods, such as fried and fatty foods, chocolates, coffee, peppermint, sugars, and alcohol. These foods weaken or relax the LES.

Eating large meals shortly before bedtime can also cause heartburn. When you eat large meals, the production of stomach acid increases and when you lie down immediately after eating a large meal to go to bed, your body is in the perfect position for the stomach acid to reflux or come in contact with the esophagus.

Hiatal hernia is another cause of heartburn. This condition is a result of a weakening of the tissues that supports the digestive tract. This condition occurs when a part of the upper stomach slips up through the hiatus and in to the chest. Depending on the size and position of the hernia, this can cause heartburn and even chest pain.

Smoking can also cause heartburn. This is because the nicotine inside cigars and cigarettes weaken the LES. And, as you may already know, if the LES is weakened, it may not function properly and will let the stomach acid flow in to the esophagus, which will ultimately cause heartburn.

Stress is another known cause of heartburn. It has been found that stress can increase the acid production in the stomach and slows down the emptying of the stomach, causing heartburn.

These are the causes of heartburn. Mild cases of heartburn are more of a nuisance rather than a condition. But, if you have a severe case of heartburn, you may want to get it checked and treated by a doctor immediately. This is because chronic cases of heartburn can cause severe complications. It can cause scarring of the esophagus, which can make it difficult for you to swallow food and even liquids. Leaving it untreated can also lead to a condition called Barrett’s esophagus. This condition is where cells similar to the lining of the stomach start to develop in the lower esophagus. This condition can increase your risk of developing cancer of the esophagus, which is very hard to detect and very hard to treat.

These are the causes of heartburn. As you can see, heartburn should be taken seriously especially if have a chronic case or when you experience it almost every day. Get heartburn treated and you can be sure that you will be able to continue living a normal life.

How You Can Break Free From Chronic Heartburn

June 10, 2011 by  
Filed under Heartburn Articles & Advice

Millions of people suffer from chronic heartburn. This is a very serious gastric disorder that can disable from living your life normally.

Most people think that heartburn is mainly caused by the foods they eat. However, this is not really the cause. You have to remember that heartburn occurs when the stomach acid travels up or refluxes in to the esophagus.

In most cases, this happens when you lie down after having a big meal. Heartburn can cause a painful burning sensation on your chest and this can really prevent you from having a good night sleep. Sometimes, heartburns can be so painful that it can prevent you from living your life normally.

This is mainly the reason why you have to know how to manage or treat heartburn in order for you to live a more normal life. By learning about the different ways to manage and treat heartburn, you will be able to lessen its frequency and also help you break free from having the heartburn condition controlling your life.

Gastric acid reflux or heartburn occurs because of several reasons.

By knowing about the different reasons that causes heartburn, you will be able to know how to prevent it from happening or at least take control of it.

One of the main causes of heartburn is the weakening of the sphincter. Basically, the sphincter acts as a valve that prevents stomach acid from reaching the esophagus. When it is relaxed or is weakened, stomach acid can get through the sphincter and eventually irritate it and cause heartburn.

So, just what causes the sphincter to weaken or relax?

There are certain foods that can weaken the sphincter. Foods such as chocolates, coffee, alcohol, peppermint, fried and fatty food, as well as soda and citric fruits like oranges and pineapple.

You should also avoid spicy foods as they are very difficult to digest, which causes the stomach to produce more acid, which ultimately means increasing the likelihood of heartburn.

Drinking a cup of green tea or any herbal tea will help reduce the frequency of heartburn. This is because the tea will reduce unwanted toxins in your body, which is mainly one of the causes of increased stomach acid production. By cleaning your digestive system from toxins, stomach acid production will decrease, which in turn will also decrease the likelihood of heartburn.

You should also drink plenty of water instead of taking carbonated drinks. If you can, try to drink water that is in room temperature. This will help flush down toxins and it will also help dilute the acid in your stomach. In case you are experiencing heartburn, one great way to get relief from its symptoms is to drink water with baking soda. It may not taste good but it will surely reduce the burning sensation as well as the pain.

These are some of the ways on how you can break free from chronic heartburn. Always remember that the most effective way to treat heartburn is to treat the causes instead of treating the symptoms. By doing so, you will see that heartburn occurrence will be less frequent and you will be able to regain control of your life.

How to Manage Heartburn: Getting Relief from Heartburn & Acid Reflux

June 10, 2011 by  
Filed under Heartburn Articles & Advice

First of all, what is heartburn and acid reflux?

Basically, heartburn is a digestive problem where stomach acids come in contact with the esophagus. This causes irritation, which in turn causes us to feel heartburn.

You have to remember that heartburn has nothing to do with the heart as the name may suggest. It is believed to have been named heartburn because of the burning sensation in the chest when the condition occurs.

Generally, heartburn can happen to almost anyone. When you experience heartburn, you will feel a burning sensation that starts in the upper abdomen and works its way up to the breastbone. This feeling will make you feel as if your chest is on fire.

The burning sensation will travel from your diaphragm to your throat and you will taste something sour and bitter on your mouth and feel as if food is reentering your mouth. You feel like vomiting and when you do gag, no food will come out.

Around 20 percent of adults experience a mild case of heartburn. This is easily manageable through changes in diet, antacids, and weight loss. However, for 5 to 15 percent of adults who experience chronic heartburn, home remedies will only provide temporary and partial relief.

If left untreated, chronic heartburn can result in more severe complications.

This is why you have to know how to manage heartburn in order for you to prevent it from developing more severe complications, which can really have a negative effect on your body.

So, how do you manage heartburn?

For starters, you need to know what causes heartburn in order for you to have an idea on how to manage it. Basically, heartburn is caused when stomach acid refluxes or backs up in to the esophagus. This can occur for several reasons.

The first is that it may be because of a weakened lower esophageal sphincter or LES. This is the valve that keeps the stomach acid inside the stomach and prevents the acid from coming in contact with the esophagus. A weakened LES is one of the most common symptoms of GERD or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease.

You also have to remember that there are certain foods that weaken or relax the LES. Examples of foods are chocolate, peppermint, alcohol, coffee, sugary foods, and fried and fatty foods.

Smoking also weakens or relaxes the LES as well as certain medications.

Pressure on stomach and eating large meals shortly before bedtime can also cause heartburn.  Stress will also cause heartburn as this increases acid production and slow down the emptying of the stomach.

So, in order to manage heartburn, you may want to start by making some lifestyle changes. This means that you have to try eating frequent smaller meals rather than three large ones. Eating slowly can also help as well as avoiding going to bed right after having a big dinner.

You should also start avoiding foods and beverages that triggers heartburn, such as fried and fatty foods, coffee, peppermint, fatty foods, caffeinated and carbonated beverages, chocolates, tomatoes, and citrus fruits.

You should also quit smoking, lose weight, and wear loose fitting clothes.

Drinking warm liquids can also help dilute and flush out stomach acid in the body. Lukewarm water or herbal teas are great examples of warm liquids that you should drink.

These are some of the ways on how you can manage heartburn. Although this may provide relief for mild cases of heartburn, you have to remember that you still need to visit your doctor in case you have a chronic case of heartburn. You will need to take medications in order to control heartburn and also make huge lifestyle changes.